4-A-19, Near Amar Panjabi Foods, Sector-4, Talwandi, Kota (Rajasthan) 324005
+91 9521495890
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Director's Message

Dear Aspirants
Your decision to pursue civil services as a career as undoubtedly appreciable and you deserve a big congratulations for it because civil services not only offers you a lucrative job but also construct a platform to give services to depressed and needy. This career opportunity will defenetly enhance your potential in different sectors and have setisfaction of surving country. In context to this, Spardha IAS institute is nurturing leaders in every possible dimensions and is inculcating human values and ethics, which help to make decisions and create a part which good for them as well as for welfare of society.To fulfill Aspiration of goals, each student is motivated to strive to achieve excellence in every endeavour by making substantial improvement in students as well as curricular and pedagogical tools. It is quite clear that qualities demanded by civil services exam cannot be developed overnight and needs a support at same time. Over guidance programme emphasizes on mind power and skill-set development so that our students are trained to use this resources optimally and emerge victorious in this examination.Spardha IAS will lack nothing in terms of support from the faculty, management and administrative staff.we aim to legend a gentle guiding hand so that our students recoganise there inner potential and grow of their own accord into stalwarts of tomorrow's society. An aspirant studying in our classroom is sure to be knowledgeable, confident and fully equipped to deal with the real world and excel. I laso welcome you to Spardha IAS, where your commitment and devotion will be integrated with our years of experience in guiding and nevigation you to your goal successfully.

Kamini Sharma

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